Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What I hate about [CENSORED]

You've all heard about [CENSORED] before, and most of you have probably thought the same thing. A lot of people have tried to call out the followers of [CENSORED], only to be met with death threats (and occasionally, those threats have been acted upon.) People have been censored for even trying to talk about [CENSORED] without actually talking about it. Don't even think about talking about [CENSORED]'s prophet, The Prophet [CENSORED], may [CENSORED] be upon [CENSORED]. To quote an extremist [CENSORED] website on the subject; "You could end up dead."

This post isn't going to be about the specific things within the religion that I hate. I'm not going to talk about how the Prophet [CENSORED] was a child molester and a violent psychopath without a single redeeming quality. I'm not going to talk about how [CENSORED]'s followers belong to an incredibly violent, backwards civilization which has slowly but surely stripped themseves of all respect in the eyes of the global community through their own actions. I'm not going to write more than a few words about how any faith that supports violence against anybody has no place in the world today. I've read through the the [CENSORED], their holy book.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike off their heads; then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives”

"When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them."

It should be noted that quotes like this are plentiful within the [CENSORED], but most of them mention [CENSORED] or the Prophet [CENSORED], and I didn't want to take the value of the quote away by pasting my little "[CENSORED]" in there. Any time I've seen quotes like these brought up in discussion, there are two replies. One type of reply brings up other quotes from the [CENSORED] that call against violence, saying things like "[CENSORED] is with those who restrain themselves." The second type of reply is basically "Take this down now!" or "You deserve to die!" [CENSORED], right? Yeah, fuck [CENSORED].

To the former group, while I applaud you on arguing on a level fitting the 21st century, I don't need to point out that your holy [CENSORED] calls for violence against non believers, and for restraint against fellow [CENSORED]s. I'm a non believer, an infidel, and your [CENSORED] says to kill me. I take issue with that. To the latter group, you are the face and the voice of your religion. As the loudest, the angriest, and the craziest fucking [CENSORED]s out there, you are what non-[CENSORED]s see, hear, and think about whenever [CENSORED] or the Prophet [CENSORED] is brought up. Congratulations, you're destroying your own religion.

Wait, didn't I say I wasn't going to talk about the [CENSORED] religion itself... right. Oops! I'm not going to mention any of those things beyond this point because I think that anybody reading this already knows it. Fuck [CENSORED].

What I want to talk about is how [CENSORED] has been treated by the media. How buckling to the demands of a small radical bunch of [CENSORED] morons not only destroys what we believe in as far as free speech, but it also promotes the kind of hateful filth that [CENSORED] militants scream about. Every time we censor the word [CENSORED], or refuse to mention the Prophet [CENSORED], we slowly but surely give them ground. These violent [CENSORED]s see it happen, and they see themselves winning a battle that shouldn't exist in the first place. The western world, with all of it's freedoms and all of it's strength, bullied into submission by a group of idiotic blind [CENSORED] followers.

People are following suit, though. It seems that this type of censorship is making headlines more and more often. The [CENSORED]s are learning that with a few threats, they can get whatever they want. The more we cave into these rediculous threats, the greater the rift between our two cultures becomes. We say something about [CENSORED], [CENSORED]s demand that it be removed, we remove it. Their children see us apologize and believe that we're afraid. Our children see them threaten us and believe that they're dangerous. I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I certainly missed the part of the Charter (Or the Constitution) under Freedom of Speech that said (Except for [CENSORED]).

Once we've agreed that [CENSORED] is not available for discussion, that the Prophet [CENSORED] should never be mentioned, where do we stop? Will [CENSORED]s and [CENSORED]s demand the same treatment? Will [CENSORED]s threaten violence if we mention the crucifiction of [CENSORED]? What about [CENSORED]? I'll bet [CENSORED] will be unavailable for comment while his lawyers sue [CENSORED] into [CENSORED] for mentioning [CENSORED]. People with [CENSORED]s will start asking for [CENSORED] too, because something offended [CENSORED] and they [CENSORED] want to look different. [CENSORED], what's happening to [CENSORED], are we really doing [CENSORED]? Is it so [CENSORED] to give in on [CENSORED] one small issue, so that we don't sacrifice [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED]. Or am I just [CENSORED]?

Man, fuck Islam.


  1. My next coffee table book:


  3. Fuck all ya'll religiot basterds (misspelled on purpose) who bring violence and destruction to your fellow brothers n sisters in the name of some bullshit belief created by a flawed being... F(censored)t's
