Wednesday, November 25, 2009


After talking with some friends, I received quite a bit of criticism regarding my last entry, apparently it was regarded as a cheap, comedic shot - not having to do with religion or atheism. Scientology, in most people's minds, does not qualify as a "religion." It's perceived as nothing more than a common joke, and treated without the respect that most faiths are given.


Scientology may be new, but to be completely honest - it's no more "crazy" than any of the more common religions practiced today. When broken down, all religions have crazy bits - bits that even followers of these faiths will admit is nuts. People who hold onto a moderate amount of their faith for comfort will say, for example, "Yes, I believe most of what the Bible has to say, but I'm not a creationist."

Why make the distinction? Why separate that which some people consider believable from that which they know not to be true? How can people who openly admit that they don't even buy into half the stuff their religion purports claim that the words of another religion can be outright false, even insane?

What I'm trying to say is that Scientology, whether you follow it or not, is just another religion. It's no more, and no less crazy than any of the major monotheistic faiths - nor any more or less crazy than ancient polytheistic religions.

"Scientology? Yeah, that's some crazy shit... Jesus, the ark and the dove, the snake who talked in the garden - that's cool." - Bill Maher

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